Porcelain veneers are applied on the front surface of teeth only, repairing dark, multiple fillings teeth, or teeth being too big or too small, as well as cases of protruding gums.
The application of veneers requires three visits within a one week timeframe.
Porcelain veneers are a painless, conservative smile makeover treatment, as tooth shaping is limited to the front surface exclusively.
Porcelain veneers are being customized to fit to your precise smile perfectly, naturally improving its appearance. At Smile Design ® Ltd. extremely thin layers of porcelain are being constructed by a specialized dental ceramist, using the latest generation of swiss porcelain, to be spliced on your teeth without damaging them.
Thanks to porcelain veneers you can aesthetically improve discoloured, worn, broken, crooked, gapped, filled, or unevenly sized teeth. This way you decide how to shape your smile precisely the way you like, determining even how visible your gums are going to be.
The application of porcelain veneers requires three visits within the timeframe of one week, in total, while results last between 15-20 years.
Intense tooth transparencies, lip sulcus, are being repaired in a way that provides results ranging from completely natural to extremely white coloring, to satisfy even the most demanding customers.
Porcelain veneers require expensive materials and specialized know-how from your dentist and dental technician, in order to elevate your smile.
Mesogeion Avenue 387
Agia Paraskeui
4 Worlds End Place
Kings Road SW19 OHE